Sony si Honda anunta in martie 2022, parteneriatul pentru fabricarea si comercializarea modelelor Sony Vision S01 si S02 (SUV) incepand cu 2025.
Vision S02
Sony are o traditie impecabila in fabricarea electronicelor dar e normal sa aiba un partener ce poate sa fabrice automobile in masa la o calitate foarte buna, iar finisajele sa fie de calitate la fel cum sunt la cele 2 automobile concept prezentate la CES.
Vision S01
CEO ul Sony Kenichiro Yoshida a spus”Through this alliance with Honda, which has accumulated extensive global experience and achievements in the automobile industry over many years and continues to make revolutionary advancements in this field, we intend to build on our vision to ‘make the mobility space an emotional one,’ and contribute to the evolution of mobility centered around safety, entertainment and adaptability.”.
CEO ul HondaToshihiro Mibe, CEO of Honda s spus: “The New Company will aim to stand at the forefront of innovation, evolution, and expansion of mobility around the world, by taking a broad and ambitious approach to creating value that exceeds the expectations and imagination of customers. We will do so by leveraging Honda’s cutting-edge technology and know-how in relation to the environment and safety, while aligning the technological assets of both companies.”
Sursa Honda: